THE SITUATION OF CATALUNYA I think that this situation it's pathetic beacause the politicians are doing things that are ilegal. They put or politicians to the jail for a reason that it's useless. They are acting with a form witch it's inacceptable. The police does not act as it should act, because they are hitting the people who wants to gave their opinion. The people who are manifesting in the streets, they hit them. Everey day that we had organized something, they want to fight with us. All starts in 1 of october 2017. We organize a referendum, and the spanish politicians said that this was ilegal. But stop. Do you really think that giving your opinion it’s ilegal? I don’t think so, it’s a basic right, or it should be. Now in Spain there isn’t democracy or justice, and the other countries doesn’t act in concequence. It’s a mess.